BEING DIGITAL:10000000 visitors

If you landed on this page, you’re undoubtedly trying to find new ways to drive relevant traffic to your website.
Well, with a Digital Marketing Company, you can count yourself lucky.
You have at your disposal an array of actionable tips and tricks to get quick traffic to your website- and what’s more, it’s all free.
That’s right. Everything we are about to tell you is served right from the platter of experience. They say experience is the best teacher. And in this case, experience worked in our favor.
Okay, now we get into the real tofu and fries of the post. But before that, we need to first understand who a unique visitor is. A unique visitor is that person who visits your site more than once during a specified period of time. Thus, if the same person visits your website several times a day, that user makes up one unique visitor.
So how do you effectively attract 10,000 unique visitors to your website per day? What’s the process? And why is getting traffic so darn hard?
I’ll be radically honest with you. 10,000 unique visits is no easy feat. If you want to increase targeted traffic to your website, it is important that you know beforehand that you will need the input of a digital marketing company to help you generate thousands of clicks to your blog per day. Without a great partner by your side, it’ll be impossible to achieve such high visits per day.
Your 8-step road map to 10,000+ unique visitors per day…
1.    Write Useful Content
The first and most important step to creating massive traffic is to create insanely useful content. Great content that is helpful to your audience will generate high traffic to your blog. Simply throwing tons of information at your readers will not generate traffic. You need to offer them information that will help them solve a problem, achieve a goal, find out something new or have a good laugh.This is the most effective way of increasing traffic to your site; offering the audience something that they cannot get elsewhere, or at least, not to the level of quality you’re offering.
2.    Promote the Site on all Social Media
It’s not enough to create great content and hope that the right people will find it- you need to be proactive. One of the fastest and easiest ways to increase traffic to your blog is to use social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest to promote your content. With social media, you can’t just barge into conversations and ask people to visit your website. You need to offer value first then build goodwill between you and your potential followers. If what you’re offering is good enough, they’ll be persuaded to visit, and you’ll see your visitors growing day in day out.
3.    Pay Attention to SEO Strategies
Another crucial thing you need to do is to ensure your site is ranked highly in search engines. This requires that anytime a user searches keywords related to your content, your site is among the first websites yielded by the search engines. To achieve this, you need to incorporate useful Search Engine Optimization strategies when building your website. Partnering with a reputable website designing company will help you drive traffic and improve ranking in the search engines.
4.    Write Compelling Head lines
A compelling headline is a sure-fire way to sell your content. If you want your articles to be read- and also to rank well in search engines- then catchy headlines are key. Now, there are two important things you have to optimize with headlines- search traffic and social traffic. To achieve this, your headlines should have the ideal keywords, the right length and also be appealing enough for social media users to click them.
5.    Build Great Links
Link building is the process of creating links that point back to your page from other pages. This usually happens naturally as you create good quality content. Nonetheless, there are some things you can do to build the links yourself. First, you can trade links with blogs that are closely related to the subject of your blog. This is a win-win situation where you both link to each other’s websites. However, you must be careful not to link to low-quality sites as this can threaten your credibility. Only link to sites that are spot-on, and truly help your visitors.
6.    Give Freebies
Who doesn’t want a freebie? Online freebies are popular than ever, and they leave your visitors wanting more and more of your content especially if they are informative and well-written. They include free eBooks, free online classes, free entry into your sweepstakes, free software and free start-up packages including CDs and DVDs. Giving freebies will compel visitors to visit your site on a regular basis, and this will be great for your website.
7.    Make Your Content Shareable
While most visitors to your blog are happy to share what they find, you can bet that they won’t go out of their way to do so. The secret is to make it extremely simple for anyone to share your posts. To do this, you need to add a tool that allows your visitors to share content with a single click. There are plenty of social media sharing buttons. Select the ones you like most, and place the share buttons directly below your posts.
8.    Start Guest Blogging
Think guest blogging is dead? Think again. Writing a guest post on a reputable site will help you increase traffic to your blog and help you grow your brand. Be careful, however, rules for guest blogging have evolved so much over the past few months and spammy tactics could have you facing stiff penalties and fines. Proceed with caution.
Bottom Line
Everyone with a website wants to get over 10,000 unique visitors every day. And high traffic translates to more conversions and consequently higher profits. Partnering with a great digital company will help you achieve this and more!

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